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We found 10 matches....
Model: 485B36

Model: 485B36

2-channel, USB-powered, ICP® signal conditioner, unity gain
  • Channels: 2

Model: 485B39

Model: 485B39

2-channel, USB-powered, ICP® sensor signal conditioner with USB digital output (24-bit A/D)
  • Frequency Range: (±5%) 0.8 to 20700 Hz(0.8 to 20700 Hz)
  • Internal ADC: 24-bit
  • Digital Output: (Interface) USB class 1 audio
  • DC Power: (USB) <500 mW (5V at <100 mA)

Model: 485B39-CAL

Model: 485B39-CAL

Calibration of a 2-channel, USB-powered, sensor signal conditioner. NIST traceable

    Model: 485M49

    Model: 485M49

    Airborne Amplifier, 3-Channel, +28 VDC aircraft powered, for use with ICP® triaxial accelerometers



      3 % 2 ) % 3 - / $5,!2 3)'.!, #/.$)4)/.%2

      Modular Signal Conditioners

      Modular Signal Conditioners

      RS- 485 interfaces, slave chassis include an RS-485 interface, and standard chassis include no interfaces. The RS-232 interface is used for communication with a host computer . The RS-485 interface is used for communications between up to four daisy - chained chassis. 0OWER 3UP



      en-US W r i t t en B y en en-US B o b M e t z , D i r e c t o r , A e r

      Design and Selection Criteria of High Temperature Accelerometers for Aerospace Propulsion

      Design and Selection Criteria of High Temperature Accelerometers for Aerospace Propulsion

      Design and Selection Criteria of High Temperature Accelerometers for Aerospace Propulsion



      en-US T E S T & ME A S U R E ME N T en-US S E N S ORS A N D en-US

      Test &amp; Measurement Sensors &amp; Instrumentation

      Test & Measurement Sensors & Instrumentation

      Acceleration & Vibration, Acoustics, Pressure, Force, Load, Strain, Shock, & Torque