Quality sound from headphones is no longer an expectation just reserved for artists in the recording studio or at live performances. Today, video gamers and moblie phone users also demand a high-end listening experience. Consequently, headphone and earbud manufacturers need to move away from the “golden ears” method of product testing and integrate precision instruments into their testing process. The results are accurate and repeatable measurements during R&D and production line testing, such as:

  • Frequency response far beyond the audible spectrum
  • Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)
  • Tracking and verifying both channels (right and left ear)
  • Isolation/Attenuation
  • Noise Cancellation
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  • Nominal Microphone Diameter: 1/2"
  • Frequency Response Characteristic: Pressure
  • Frequency Range: (±2dB)3.15 to 20000 Hz
  • Dynamic Range: (3% Distortion Limit)162 dB re 20 µPa
$935.00 USD
(Pricing valid in US only)
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  • Nominal Microphone Diameter: 1/2"
  • Temperature Range: (Operating)-40 to 158 °F
  • Output Voltage: ±8 V
  • Size - Length: 1.4 in
$670.00 USD
(Pricing valid in US only)
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