1/2” Infrasound (Low Frequency) Microphone System
1/2" Free-field Microphone
- Frequency 0.13 Hz to 20 kHz (± 2 dB)
- Noise floor 20 dBA
- Dynamic Range: (3% Distortion Limit) 136 dB re 29 µPa
- Prepolarized (0V) design
- Uses cost effective power supplies and coaxial cables
- Environmental testing
- Wind turbine measurements
- Earthquake and tornado analysis
- Sonic boom measurements
- General purpose low frequency noise measurements
Model 378A07 is comprised of a 1/2” (12mm) 377A07 prepolarized microphone, a 426E01 preamplifier, and a low frequency filter adapter, 079A43. For applications measuring infrasound (below the human hearing threshold) the 378A07 provides the capability to measure to 0.1 Hz (-3dB).
Acoustic pressure waves may be altered by objects in the sound field including the measurement microphone. To correct for this, free-field microphones are calibrated to compensate for their own presence. This provides more accurate measurements.