Low Temperature Coefficient, Triaxial, ICP® Accelerometers for Durability Applications

PCB® Series 339A Triaxial, ICP® accelerometers are designed with a low temperature coefficient, wide operating temperature range, and good broadband measurement resolution, making them ideal for any vibration measurement requiring tight control of amplitude sensitivity over a wide thermal gradient. With a temperature coefficient of less than 0.0125% / °F (0.02% / °C), these sensors provide precision amplitude data for test applications with large thermal shifts such as durability testing in a climatic chamber.

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  • Sensitivity: (±10%)10 mV/g
  • Sensitivity: (±10%)1.02 mV/(m/s²)
  • Measurement Range: ±500 g pk
  • Measurement Range: ±4905 m/s² pk
  • Electrical Connector: 8-36 4-Pin
  • Electrical Connector: 8-36 4-Pin
$1892.00 USD
(Pricing valid in US only)
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