
1-channel system, dual-mode charge amplifier system, line powered

Modular Series Power Supply

Model 443B02

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  • IP

1-channel system, dual-mode charge amplifier system, line powered

For ICP® and charge output sensors, includes medium and long discharge time constant settings. This modular series system consists of a signal conditioner module, power supply module, and a chassis. Click the following for individual component information.
441A101 power supply module – see system product manual above.
441A33 chassis – see system product manual above.

    Specification Notes

    English: SI:

    * All specifications are at room temperature unless otherwise specified.

    Build Out Your Measurement Chain

    Model: 443B102

    1-channel module only, dual-mode charge ...

    $4,191.00 USD

    (Pricing valid only in the U.S.)