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Model: SEN032

Model: SEN032

Wind speed and direction sensor (requires CBL167 or CBL229 cable + DVX008A)

    Model: SEN031

    Model: SEN031

    Combined weather sensor: wind speed and direction (no moving parts), temperature, humidity, pressure, rainfall (requires CBL167 or CBL229 cable + DVX008A)

      Wind Tunnel Sensors

      Wind Tunnel Sensors

      Wind Tunnel Sensors

	Wind Turbine Sensors | PCB Piezotronics

      Wind Turbine Sensors | PCB Piezotronics

      Sensors and instrumentation for permanent installation and testing of wind turbines and turbine components

      Wind Turbine Monitoring System

      Wind Turbine Monitoring System

      Continuous monitoring of wind turbine strain gages at NREL, The National Renewable Energy Laboratory

      Wind Turbine Condition Monitoring & Assessment

      Wind Turbine Condition Monitoring & Assessment

      Sensors and Instrumentation for Permanent Installation and Testing of Wind Turbines and Turbine Components

	Piezoresistive Pressure Sensors  | PCB Piezotronics

      Piezoresistive Pressure Sensors | PCB Piezotronics

      Endevco’s piezoresistive silicon pressure sensors (8500 series) offer accurate and reliable performance at pressure extremes.



      en-US W IN D T U R B IN E en-US C ON D I T ION MONI T O R I N G en-U

	Sensors for Condition Monitoring | PCB Piezotronics

      Sensors for Condition Monitoring | PCB Piezotronics

      Choose PCB for your Industrial sensor needs. Find, compare, and shop sensors and accessories online. Call 800.828.8840 or click here to request a quote.

      Torque Sensors

      Torque Sensors

      An Overview of their Design and Application

      Aerodynamic Sensors

      Aerodynamic Sensors

      ls in wind tunnels and en-US leading edge of air craft wing en-US Aerodynamics and rocket acoustics en-US Smal l scale models in wind tunnels, en-US DHURG\QDPLFVXU IDFHVGXULQJ LJKWWHVWV en-US and helicopter or turbine blade sur face en

      Sensors for Power Generation & Reciprocating Equipment Monitoring

      Sensors for Power Generation & Reciprocating Equipment Monitoring

      Pressure Sensors & Accelerometers for Precision Measurement Requirements

	New Micro ICP® Pressure Sensor

      New Micro ICP® Pressure Sensor

      ssure Sensor For sensing shock waves and high speed dynamic pressure September 13, 2017, Depew, NY – PCB’s new micro ICP® Pressure Sensor, Model 132B38, is suited for wind tunnel applications that require very small test sensors and very high frequency response. This improved design featur

      Test & Measurement Sensors & Instrumentation

      Test & Measurement Sensors & Instrumentation

      Acceleration & Vibration, Acoustics, Pressure, Force, Load, Strain, Shock, & Torque

	PCB Piezotronics, Inc. Launches Subminiature ICP Pressure Sensors | PCB Piezotronics

      PCB Piezotronics, Inc. Launches Subminiature ICP Pressure Sensors | PCB Piezotronics

      ssure Sensors Dynamic pressure measurement for the smallest spaces December 18, 2018, DEPEW, NY – PCB Piezotronics, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of MTS Systems Corporation (NASDAQ: MTSC), has released its smallest ICP piezoelectric, pressure sensor with integral lead wires. The Model 105C pressu



      en-US L o a d C e l l & T o r q u e S e ns o r en-US T e c h n ic a l I

	July 18, 2013, Depew, N.Y. - Larson Davis Enhances Environmental Noise Monitoring Systems

      July 18, 2013, Depew, N.Y. - Larson Davis Enhances Environmental Noise Monitoring Systems

      ant a wind-only sensor option. July 18, 2013, Depew, N.Y. - Larson Davis has added the SEN032 wind sensor to its product line, providing the industry's first low-cost alternative for customers who want a wind-only option for environmental noise monitoring systems. The SEN032 incorporates t

	IMI Sensors Launches Two Low-Cost ICP® Accelerometers with Resistance Temperature Detectors | PCB Piezotronics

      IMI Sensors Launches Two Low-Cost ICP® Accelerometers with Resistance Temperature Detectors | PCB Piezotronics

      ssure sensors and accelerometers. With a worldwide customer support team, 24-hour sensor line, and a global distribution network, IMI is committed to Total Customer Satisfaction. IMI Sensors is a division of PCB Piezotronics, Inc. Learn more about IMI Sensors at

	Sensors for Electric Vehicle NVH Testing | PCB Piezotronics

      Sensors for Electric Vehicle NVH Testing | PCB Piezotronics

      PCB Piezotronics delivers world-class accelerometers, microphones, and accessories for NVH testing in electric and hybrid vehicles.

	January 30, 2014 – Depew, NY – PCB Piezotronics Introduces Surface Microphone for R&D Testing

      January 30, 2014 – Depew, NY – PCB Piezotronics Introduces Surface Microphone for R&D Testing

      s and wind tunnels, where the effects of wind noise on measurements are a concern. Designed using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling, the new model is a low profile microphone and surface mount pad that greatly reduces the impact of undesired air pressure on the microphone during the measur

	Energy and Power Generation | PCB Piezotronics

      Energy and Power Generation | PCB Piezotronics

      For decades, gas turbine operators have voluntarily measured combustion pressure and vibration levels in high temperature environments.

	Reduce Equipment Insurance Premiums PGNG No-Go | PCB Piezotronics

      Reduce Equipment Insurance Premiums PGNG No-Go | PCB Piezotronics

      Reduce Equipment Insurance Premiums Using Wireless Technology

	Specialty Microphones | PCB Piezotronics

      Specialty Microphones | PCB Piezotronics

      When acoustic measurements need to be made in demanding environments and applications, trust PCB specialty microphones.

	PCB Product Compare (en) for models rtd602d11,rtd602d91 | PCB Pi

      PCB Product Compare (en) for models rtd602d11,rtd602d91 | PCB Pi

      PCB Product Compare (en) for models rtd602d11,rtd602d91 | PCB Piezotronics

	Miniature Piezoelectric Accelerometers | PCB Piezotronics

      Miniature Piezoelectric Accelerometers | PCB Piezotronics

      PCB miniature accelerometers satisfy complex measurement needs in a small size.

	Hazardous Approved Microphone & Preamplifier - Model EX378B02

      Hazardous Approved Microphone & Preamplifier - Model EX378B02

      EX378B02 PCB prepolarized condenser mic is approved for hazardous locations, safe in gaseous environments where standard mics pose fire risk.

	Applications | PCB Piezotronics

      Applications | PCB Piezotronics

      PCB applications include: aerospace & defense, automotive, energy, noise monitoring. PDM & process monitoring, and test & measurement

	October 9, 2013, Farmington Hills, Mich. - Larson Davis Enhances the Model 831 NoiseTutor for Noise Monitoring Applications

      October 9, 2013, Farmington Hills, Mich. - Larson Davis Enhances the Model 831 NoiseTutor for Noise Monitoring Applications

      ites, wind farm commissioning, traffic evaluation, and concert venues. The NoiseTutor is contained in a weatherproof case and it is powered by an advanced Model 831 sound level meter and an on board computer. It is designed to work with the Larson Davis PRM2103-FF outdoor preamplifier and micropho

	Echo® Wireless Vibration Monitoring System | PCB Piezotronics

      Echo® Wireless Vibration Monitoring System | PCB Piezotronics

      Echo® Wireless Vibration Monitoring System

	New SoundAdvisor Sound Level Meter

      New SoundAdvisor Sound Level Meter

      Stock Sensors program ensures same day shipment of over 10,000 sensors that are covered by lifetime warranty. With a worldwide support team of Field Sales, Application Engineers, and Customer Service Representatives, PCB® proudly stands behind their products with the services you value mos



      en-US W r i t t en B y en en-US Ke n n e t h W a t k in s en-US T o r

	High Sensitivity ICP® Accelerometers | PCB Piezotronics

      High Sensitivity ICP® Accelerometers | PCB Piezotronics

      High sensitivity PCB accelerometers to detect very low level vibrations



      a c c u m e t r i x . c o m | 1 5 1 8 3 9 3 2 2 0 0 W I N D T U R B



      en-US 1/2” High Frequency and High Amplitude en-US Prepolarized Microphone en-US Model 37



      en-US A E R O D Y N AM I C AN D en-US en-US A E R O -A C O U S T IC



      en-US A E R O D Y N AM I C AN D en-US en-US A E R O -A C O U S T IC

      SoundAdvisor Noise Monitoring Systems

      SoundAdvisor Noise Monitoring Systems

      SoundAdvisor Noise Monitoring Systems



      en-US S E N S ORS F OR en-US en-US P O W E R G E N E R A T ION en-



      en-US S E N S ORS F OR en-US en-US P O W E R G E N E R A T ION en-



      en-US ACO U S T I C en-US ME A S U R E ME N T en-US S E N S ORS &



      en-US ACO U S T I C en-US ME A S U R E ME N T en-US S E N S ORS &



      en-US T E S T & ME A S U R E ME N T en-US S E N S ORS A N D en-US



      en-US S E N S ORS en-US F O R T E S T IN G en-US C O NSU M E R en-U

      Consumer Products Testing

      Consumer Products Testing

      Consumer Products Testing



      en-US S E N S ORS en-US en-US F O R R E SE A R CH en-US en-US & D

      ssure Sensors en-US þÿ. ............................................................................................................... en-US 24 en-US Piezoresistive Pressure Sensors en-US þÿ. .....................................................................