tober 24, 2012, Depew, NY - PCB Piezotronics, Inc., a global leader in the design and manufacture of microphones, vibration, force, torque, load, strain and pressure sensors, as well as the pioneer of ICP® technology, is pleased to announce the release of the improved Model 137B23 quartz, free-
ugust 24, 2012, Depew, NY - PCB Piezotronics, Inc., a global leader in acoustic, vibration, pressure, force, and torque sensors, announced participation in this year's Automotive Testing Expo China and Automotive Testing Expo North America. The company will exhibit its range of automotive testin
Our Application Engineers are here to support you 24 hours, 7 days a week.
Power supplies and signal conditioners
The electronic Smart Vibration Switch from IMI Sensors is highly versatile and fully user programmable.
Cable reduction boxes reduces and organizes the cable lengths running from the sensor to the data collection point
Larson Davis provides complete solutions for occupational safety and industrial hygiene.
Reliable and cost-effective vibration monitoring solutions
for cooling fans and other low frequency equipment.
AC or 24 VDC options.
For additional information or technical specifications, visit:
ithin 24 hours from order confirmation. The in-stock guarantee is backed with free shipping if a customer's products are not available at the time of order.
The complete line of Platinum stock products is available at
tober 24, 2012, Depew, NY - When it comes to portable data collection, the protection of personnel and valuable equipment is paramount. IMI’s analyzer cables with optional break-away safety connectors protect technicians and their equipment from being pulled into rotating machinery during route-bas
and a 24 VDC source can power the EchoPlus® Wireless Junction Box without battery life limitations. EchoPlus® can also use a 6-13 VDC battery for remote applications or as a backup to 24 VDC power.
The Echo® Receiver is capable of accepting data from hundreds of sensors and relayin
PCB manufactures vibration monitoring systems for all applications. The industry’s leading wireless vibration sensors/transmitters.
Larson Davis provides complete solutions for noise and vibration measurement and analysis.
ed by 24 VDC, without battery life limitations, or by a 6-13 VDC battery for remote applications. The Echo® System allows users to monitor the health of critical machinery more frequently and safely than walk around systems, while helping to reduce downtime and inefficiency. Using the alarm pan
ndard 24 VDC power. It increases data accuracy by providing a broad frequency range and a zero reset that synchronizes with machine cycle times.
Ideal product applications include:
Force and strain measurement requiring peak hold / reset function
Process monitoring of electromechanical or hyd
1C44: 24 channels
Model 691C45: 36 channels
Model 691C46: 48 channels
The physical IP66 enclosure used for all four models is the
same and can accommodate from one to four twelve-channel
boards. Boards (Model 691C40) can be purchased separately
for field installation into empty sections of existi
vides 24 VDC, controls the communication of the sensor, and provides information direct to the factory network. IO-Link compatibility offers:
Easy communication with your current control system via EtherNet/IP™, Profinet™, Modbus™, OPC UA™, or MQTT™ and others.
Measurements and aver
IMI Sensors offers instrumentation to monitor vibrating screens and feeders that are critical to determining machinery health.
ttiva 24 ore su 24 e una rete di distribuzione globale, PCB è impegnata nella soddisfazione totale del cliente. PCB Piezotronics è una società interamente controllata da Amphenol Corporation. Maggiori informazioni su
PCB applications include: aerospace & defense, automotive, energy, noise monitoring. PDM & process monitoring, and test & measurement
Visit PCB® Piezotronics at these events.
AC or 24 VDC.
Choice of Relay Type: There are two relays available in each electronic switch, one for an alert and one for an alarm. The user can select whether both relays are electromechanical or solid state. If the electromechanical option is selected, both relays will be Form C, SPDT relays
April 24, 2024 - Depew, NY - PCB Piezotronics (PCB®) is introducing our new Endevco® Model 2775C PE/IEPE signal conditioner. This single channel, low noise, high gain signal conditioner is designed for use with charge output Piezoelectric (PE) and voltage output Integrated Electronics Piez
nuary 24, 2024 - Depew, NY - PCB Piezotronics (PCB®) is introducing our new Endevco® Model 7330 triaxial angular rate sensor. It provides accurate measurement of rotational velocity in a small, lightweight package rugged enough for extreme environments, such as automotive safety testing.
Sensors to monitor motors, pumps, compressors, and well heads in natural gas supply and petrochemical industry.
Echo® Wireless Vibration Monitoring System
e 1 = 24 VDC
VE1 = Excitation Voltage 1 = VS1 -1 = 23 VDC
VS2 = Supply Voltage 2 = 18 VDC
VE2 = Excitation Voltage 2 = VS2 -1 = 17 VDC
Maximum Sensor Amplifier Range = ±10 volts Note that an approximate 1-Volt drop across the current limiting diode (or eq
Industrial accelerometers for route-based condition monitoring and predictive maintenance.