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We found 7 matches....

odels 176A02, 176A03 and 176A05 only) en-US x en-US x en-US x en-US x en-US x en-US x en-US 176M-Series (Models 176M03, 176M07, 176M09 and 176M12 only) en-US x en-US x en-US x en-US x en-US x en-US x en-US Vibration Switches en-US 685B-Series (Models using C1 enclosure



en-US p c b . c o m / i m i - s e n s o r s | 1 8 0 0 9 5 9 4 4 6 4 en-US

Sensors Approved for Use in Explosive Environments

Sensors Approved for Use in Explosive Environments

Sensors Approved for Use in Explosive Environments



en-US I N DU S T R I A L en-US en-US MONI T O R I N G en-US I N S T R

Industrial Monitoring Instrumentation

Industrial Monitoring Instrumentation

Industrial Monitoring Instrumentation



en-US S E N S ORS en-US en-US F O R R E SE A R CH en-US en-US & D

n-US 176A02 en-US 176A03 en-US 176A07 en-US 176M42A en-US Sensitivity en-US S&SVL en-US S&SVL en-US S&SVL en-US S&SVL en-US 0HDVXUHPHQW5DQJH en-US SVL en-US 290 psi en-US S