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Test and Measurement microphones require a very thin and delicate sensing element in order to achieve their accuracy, high sensitivities, and low noise floor specifications. Applications may subject these microphones to challenging environmental conditions. Even the most careful engineer has experienced microphone stands falling or microphones being dropped. PCB designed, responding to numerous requests from test engineers, a rugged grid cap that can enhance the lifecycle of a microphone and be interchangeable within other microphone fields (Free-field, Random Incidence, and Pressure). The grid cap design had to have minimal impact to the accuracy of the microphone and have an easily justifiable price point. With the 079A52, you can buy and place on a new microphone, or retrofit your existing ½” (12mm) PCB high sensitivity (50 mV/Pa) microphones in your inventory, minimizing damage, repairs or replacement costs.
The 079A52 can be ordered as a stand-alone accessory to be used with previously owned microphones or can be purchased within the following 379A12 Free-field or industry exclusive 379A13 Random Incidence microphone kit. With the 079A52, you can buy and place on a new microphone, or retrofit your existing ½” (12mm) PCB high sensitivity (50 mV/Pa) microphones in your inventory, minimizing damage, repairs or replacement costs.