Battery Powered ICP® Sensor Signal Conditioners

Battery-powered signal conditioners offer a portable and convenient solution for powering ICP® sensors and ICP® in-line charge converters, facilitating seamless integration into any measurement chain. Utilizing these units is straightforward: simply connect a cable from the sensor to the input and another from the data acquisition system to the output. Once powered on, they efficiently condition signals for transmission to the readout device.

Powered by standard 9-volt alkaline batteries, these units deliver an AC-coupled output. Additionally, each signal conditioner is equipped with a color-coded meter on the front panel, providing real-time monitoring of sensor operation and cable fault detection.


  • Compact and Portable
  • Battery operation eliminates line noise
  • Easy-to-use
  • Built-in fault meter


  • Vibration testing for low channel counts
  • Low noise acoustic testing
  • Vehicle and component durability tests

Mouse Over Image for Product Description.
Model Number480C02480E09480B21
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Price:€ 335,00 USD€ 484,00 USD€ 1.005,00 USD
Channels1 1 3
Frequency Range (-5%)0.05 to 500000 Hz0.15 to 100000 Hz0.15 to 100000 Hz
Frequency Range (-10%)--0.15 to 50000 Hz0.15 to 50000 Hz
Voltage Gain (±2%)1:1 1:1 1:1
Fault/Bias Monitor/Meter (±1V)13 VDC13 VDC--
Fault/Bias Monitor/Meter (±2V)----13 VDC
Temperature Range
32 to 122 °F
0 to 50 °C
32 to 120 °F
0 to 50 °C
32 to 122 °F
0 to 50 °C
Excitation Voltage (To Sensor)25 to 29 VDC25 to 29 VDC25 to 29 VDC
Constant Current Excitation (To Sensor)2.0 to 3.2 mA2.0 to 3.2 mA--
Discharge Time Constant>7 sec>7 sec>7 sec
DC Offset (Maximum)--<30 mV<30 mV
DC Offset<30 mV----
Spectral Noise (1Hz)
0.25 µV/√Hz
-132 dB
.25 µV/√Hz
-132 dB
0.4 µV/√Hz
-128 dB
Spectral Noise (10Hz)
0.07 µV/√Hz
-143 dB
.07 µV/√Hz
-143 dB
0.1 µV/√Hz
-140 dB
Spectral Noise (100Hz)
0.05 µV/√Hz
-146 dB
.05 µV/√Hz
-146 dB
.06 µV/√Hz
-144 dB
Spectral Noise (1000Hz)
0.04 µV/√Hz
-148 dB
.04 µV/√Hz
-148 dB
.04 µV/√Hz
-147 dB
Spectral Noise (10000Hz)
0.03 µV/√Hz
-150 dB
.03 µV/√Hz
-150 dB
.04 µV/√Hz
-148 dB
Broadband Electrical Noise (1Hz)
3.25 µV rms
-110 dB rms
3.25 µV rms
-110 dB/rms
3.54 µV rms
-110 dB/rms
Power Required (Standard)Internal BatteryInternal BatteryInternal Battery
Internal Battery (Type)9V9V9V
Battery Life (Standard Alkaline)100 hours50 hours25-40 hours
Battery Life (Rechargeable Ni Cad)36 hours----
Power Required (Alternate)DC PowerDC PowerDC Power
DC Power5 mA15 mA25 mA
Internal Battery (Quantity)333
Electrical Connector (Input, sensor)BNC JackBNC JackBNC Jack
Electrical Connector (Output, scope)BNC JackBNC JackBNC Jack
Electrical Connector (External Power, DC)3.5 mm Diameter Miniature Jack3.5 mm Diameter Miniature JackDIN Jack
Electrical Connector (Battery Charger)#722 Switchcraft Jack#722 Switchcraft Jack--
Size - Depth
4 in
10 cm
2.4 in
6.1 cm
2.0 in
5.0 cm
Size - Height
2.9 in
7.4 cm
4.0 in
10 cm
7.5 in
19 cm
Size - Width
2.2 in
5.6 cm
2.9 in
7.4 cm
5.0 in
13 cm
Weight (Including Batteries)
0.7 lb
0.3 kg
0.7 lb
0.3 kg
1.1 lb
0.5 kg