7-pin lemo connector for use with rockwell (entek) datapac & enpac data collectors to 3-pin half breakaway connector with 10 feet  of coiled, general purpose, polyurethane

7-pin LEMO connector for use with Rockwell (Entek) dataPAC & Enpac data collectors to 3-pin half breakaway connector with 10 feet of Coiled, general purpose, polyurethane

Model 050DP010LU

  • IP

7-pin LEMO connector for use with Rockwell (Entek) dataPAC & Enpac data collectors to 3-pin half breakaway connector with 10 feet of Coiled, general purpose, polyurethane

    Specification Notes

    English: SI:

    * All specifications are at room temperature unless otherwise specified.

    Product Documents