
Zum Vergleich aller Spezifikationen für extern polarisierte 1"-Kondensatormikrofone siehe unten.

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Model Number377A15
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Price:1.400,00 € USD
Nominal Microphone Diameter1"
Frequency Response CharacteristicPressure
Open Circuit Sensitivity (+/-2dB)-26 dB re 1 V/Pa
Open Circuit Sensitivity50 mV/Pa
Frequency Range (+/-2dB)5 to 8000 Hz
Lower Limiting Frequency1 to 3 Hz
Resonant Frequency (90° Phase Shift)8600 Hz
Inherent Noise10 dB(A) re 20 µPa
Dynamic Range (3% Distortion Limit)>150 dB re 20 µPa
Standards Designation (IEC 61094-4)WS1P
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