
  • Operating temperature to +125 ºC
    (+257 ºF)
  • Operates from ICP® sensor power
  • Low noise floor
  • Wide frequency range
  • System sensitivity guaranteed within
    +/- 1.7 dB
  • Temperature range eliminates the need for high-priced probe microphones
  • ½” package with BNC connectors
  • Competitively priced, best value on
    the market


  • Engine analysis
  • Manifold testing
  • Transfer path analysis
  • Exhaust pipes
  • HVAC tests
  • General acoustic testing in high temperature applications

High Temperature Microphone Systems

High temperature microphones are for use in operating temperatures up to +125 ºC (+257 ºF) and have a system sensitivity guaranteed within +/- 1.7 dB.

Model HT378B02 is a high temperature microphone system that includes a 1/2" microphone cartridge , a mated preamplifier with TEDS, and system calibration.

Model HT378C20 is a high temperature random incidence (RI) microphone system has an accurate (flat) response in applications where numerous signals approach the microphone from an assortment of directions, at the same time. This system is for environments where temperatures can reach 120C.

High Temperature Preamplifiers

Model HT426E01 is a high temperature low-noise preamplifier for 1/2 inch ICP® microphones. This preamplifier is designed to overcome high temperature challenges associated with engine, manifold, transfer path, exhaust and HVAC tests. When combining this preamplifier with any IEC compliant microphone cartridge, the system is capable of operating in high temperature environments. Model HT426E01 provides an operating temperature range of - 40 to + 125 °C (- 40 to + 257 °F ), as well as a low attenuation factor of -0.06 dB and low electrical noise.

High Temperature Probe Microphone

The small profile Probe Microphone (Model 377B26) is used for acoustic measurements in small, hard-to-reach places and where precise placement is required in near-field testing within confined areas. This probe microphone is used in extremely high temperatures environments (800ºC). Learn more ››

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  • Nominal Microphone Diameter: 1/2"
  • Frequency Response Characteristic: (at 0° incidence)Free-Field
  • Frequency Range: (±2dB)3.5 to 20000 Hz
  • Dynamic Range: (3% Distortion Limit)138.5 dB re 20 µPa
$1420.00 USD
(Pricing valid in US only)
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Model Number


  • Nominal Microphone Diameter: 1/2"
  • Temperature Range: (Operating)-40 to +257 °F
  • Output Voltage: (Maximum)±7 Vpk
  • Size - Length: 3.5 in
$660.00 USD
(Pricing valid in US only)
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Model Number


  • Nominal Microphone Diameter: 1/2"
  • Frequency Response Characteristic: Random Incidence
  • Frequency Range: (±2dB)3.5 to 16000 Hz
  • Dynamic Range: (3% Distortion Limit)138.5 dB re 20 µPa
$1505.00 USD
(Pricing valid in US only)
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