PCB’s engineering staff is experienced in design of sensors, cables, and signal conditioning for flight test applications. Our long standing commitment to Total Customer Satisfaction includes our willingness to devote engineering and manufacturing resources to the unique and challenging requirements of flight test. This allows us to quickly and efficiently modify sensors and electronics for specific flight requirements.
Through decades of collaboration with flight test engineers, PCB® has developed a set of sensors and signal conditioners tailored to flight test’s demanding environments. PCB's Endevco product line extends our offering to provide advanced measurement devices proven to withstand the challenges of extreme environments, including cryogenic sensors.
- Flutter testing of airframes
- Turbulent airflow measurements
- Engine testing
- Vibroacoustic testing
- Vehicle dynamics studies
- Missile and rocket launches
- Structural vibration tests
Choose PCB for your flight testing needs
We have thousands of sensors in stock and ready to ship in our online shop. To discuss specific applications, please contact us or request a quote.