Training and Informational Links
The links below have been added at the request of various consultants and educational entities, whose training sessions actively incorporate use of PCB Piezotronics sensor technologies. These training sessions are designed to help engineers solve various measurement challenges. If your organization incorporates the use of PCB® products in training, and you’d like to be considered for inclusion in this area of our site, please contact us at
Educational Sites
Navcon Engineering, "Consultants in Noise and Vibration", trains approximately 100 engineers and technicians each year on various noise and vibration topics including: Acoustic Intensity Testing, Modal Testing, Outdoor Noise Measurement & Modeling, Noise & Vibration Control, and Environmental Impact Assessment. The seminars and short courses are presented in Fullerton, CA, Chicago, IL, and on customer sites. Students completing the training receive a certificate listing the CEU hours. Current course offerings include:
Wayne Tustin's site, concentrating primarily on vibration testing and environmental stress screening.
Site of the Measurement System Engineering continuing education program providing today's engineering professional with a proven method to understand, design, and use measurement systems for testing and control. The program is intended for: (1)the senior technician who wants to learn about transducers and their application, transducer physics, and measurement system design; (2)the experienced practioner who wants to hone his/her skills and interact with peers possessing a great deal of knowledge in various measurement disciplines; and (3) the analysts or managers who must look at test data and make decisions about its suitability for their application.
Government Sites
The Measurement and Standards Laboratories of NIST.
The Shock and Vibration Information Analysis Center (SAVIAC) is jointly-funded activity sponsored by the US Army, Navy, Air Force, DSWA and the DOE laboratories. "SAVIAC focuses on the engineering tools and techniques needed for the design, analysis and testing of systems subjected to dynamic conditions and loading, including water shock, vibration, blast impact, crash, and mechanical/climatic environments. Areas of interest include, aircraft, spacecraft, ground vehicles, ground structures, machinery and humans; any area where Government engineers have responsibility for the design analysis or testing of mechanical systems."
General site for NASA Ames.
NASA Dryden's home page.
NASA Lewis's home page.
The U.S. Air Force's Arnold Engineering Development Center in Tennessee is the
most advanced and largest complex of flight simulation test facilities in the
Industry Media Links
GlobalSpec is a search engine and information resource for the engineering, industrial and technical communities.
DirectIndustry is virtual industrial exhibition
Sens2B - Sensor to Business global online Sensors Portal
Journals published by the Society for Experimental Mechanics
Sensors Magazine On-line.
Sound and Vibration - The Noise and Vibration Control Magazine.
Societies and Engineering Organizations
Vibration Institute
A nationally recognized not-for-profit organization dedicated to the
exchange of practical information about vibration and condition monitoring.
Society for Experimental Mechanics.
Acoustical Society of America.
ANSI, American National Standards Institute.
ASME, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
ASTM International Standards Worldwide.
SAE International Society of Automotive Engineers. This site does not have a dedicated noise and vibration section, but it does offer a very helpful search capability for standards, technical papers, and books on vehicle noise and vibration topics.
Society for Experimental Mechanics. Useful areas include IMAC (International Modal Analysis Conference) show info, a bookstore, and table of contents of articles from past issues of Experimental Techniques, a technical journal published by SEM.
IEST Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology.
University Sites
Imperial College of London Department of Mechanical Engineering, home of David J. Ewins.
Institute of Sound and Vibration, the leading university in the UK for vibration realted projects and education.
Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics at Iowa State University. Professor Ken McConnell serves on the IMAC Advisory Board.
Michigan Tech University Mechanical Engineering Dept..
Measurement System Engineering continuing education program at Texas Christian University under Patrick L. Walter.
Gear and Power Transmission Research Laboratory at The Ohio State University.
Graduate Program in Acoustics at Penn State. Contains thesis topics: facilities, and information on Applied Research Laboratory (ARL). Penn State also offers a Certificate Program in Noise Control Engineering which is an off-campus series of four non-credit, graduate level courses in noise and vibration control.
Ray W. Herrick Laboratories, Purdue Univeristy.
Aalborg University Department of Acoustics.
Structural Dynamics Research Laboratory at the University of Cincinnati. Drs. Randall Allemang and Dave Brown serve on the IMAC Advisory Board.
Modal Analysis and Controls Laboratory at the University of Massachusetts at Lowell.
Vibration and Acoustics Laboratory at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, with links to other sites of interest. Also includes slides from recent presentations by VAL members and a demo of "Active Sound Control You Can Do at Home."
LFME: Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics & Energy a the University of Patras, Greece.